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Malaysia (FESM)



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About FESM:

Our Sponsors


Our sponsors are gratefully acknowledged for their support in helping to create a discussion forum and developing the Malaysian formation evaluation community.




The purpose of the Formation Evaluation Society of Malaysia (FESM), a Chapter of the SOCIETY OF PETROPHYSICISTS AND WELL LOG ANALYSTS (SPWLA) is, in general, the same as stated in Article IV of the SPWLA Amended Articles of Incorporation, and specifically to advance the science of formation evaluation. The FESM is responsible to, and subject to, the Amended Articles and by-laws of the parent SPWLA.



To apply for membership in the FESM please send an email to the secretariat at [email protected] indicating your first name, last name, company, current position and preferred email address, which will be added to our mail distribution list. Unlike SPWLA, there is no requirement for active engagement in formation evaluation through analysis of well logs and/or related data, no references are required and there are no dues or fees to be paid for FESM membership. Regular mailings will keep FESM members up to date with our technical programme and other events.







17-18 February

EAGE/FESM Joint Regional Conference "Petrophysics Meets Geoscience - From Nano Pores to Mega Structures"

16th January

"Oil Fingerprinting and its diverse applications";byPeter Abolins and Siti Najmi Farhan Zulkipli(PETRONAS)


5th December

"Multiphysics Characterization for Static and Dynamic Reservoir Properties";by Ben Clennell (CSIRO)

"Upstream Information Release Guidelines and Process"; Ro-Lo presentation by Dr. Budi P.Kantaatmadja (PETRONAS)

Click here to download Dr.Budi P.Kantaatmadja's presentation

21st November

"The continuous scratch profile: a high resolution strength log for geo-mechanical and petro-physical characterization of rocks"; by Thomas Richard (EPSLOG)

Click here to download Thomas Richard's presentation

17th October

"From Advanced Mud Logging, via some Original Fluid Contacts, to a Depth Consortium"; by Ton Loermans (SPWLA 2012-2013 Distinguished Lecturer)

3rd October

"Master Seminar on Saturation"; by Dr.Lutz Reipe, Jules Reed, Stephen Adams, Long Jiang, Chiew F. Choo

Click here to download Dr.Lutz Reipe's presentation

Click here to download Long Jiang's presentation

21st August

"Capillary Pressure Modeling and its application to reservoir characterization"; by Arunesh Mukhopadhyay (Shell)

20th June

"NMR for Geological Facies Identification"; by Sherif Farag (Schlumberger)

Click here to download Sherif Farag's presentation

22nd May

"Translating Petrophysics to Engineering micro-Economics"; by M.Mehmet Altunbay (PETRONAS Carigali)

18th April

"Do core measurements still represent the 'Groundtruth' for integrated petrophysical studies in complex Carbonate Formations? Introducing new developments in logging technology and interpretation for the producing carbonate reservoirs of the Arabian Gulf"; by Jonathan Hall (Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Operations)

21st March

"Where does Pore Scale Analysis add Value?"; by Joseph Hamilton (Australian National University)

Click here to download Joseph Hamilton's presentation

21st February

"Modern Wireline Formation Testing"; by George Stewart (Weatherford)

Click here to download George Stewart's presentation

31st January

"Image Petrophysics: A Fresh Look at Image Logs"; by Richard Holland(Weatherford)

Click here to download Richard Holland's presentation


17th December

Talk#1:"Measuring Isolation Integrity in Depleted Reservoirs"; by Long Jiang (Schlumberger)

Click here to download Long Jiang's presentation

Talk#2:"Now You See It, Now You Don't!The Illusions of Cement Evaluation Logs"; by Ko Ko Kyi (PETRONAS)

29th November

Topical Seminar: "Thin-Bed Evaluation; Petrophysical Challenges & Solutions; Methods, tools, And Case Studies"

Speakers: Adriaan Bal(Baker Hughes), Paul Worthington(Gaffney,Cline & Associates), Roland Chemali(Halliburton), Tom Neville(Schlumberger), Steve Adams(, Andrew Griffin(Murphy) and Frederic Robail(Shell)

Click here to download Adriaan Bal's presentation

Click here to download Roland Chemali's presentation

Click here to download Tom Neville's presentation

Click here to download Steve Adams's presentation

Click here to download Frederic Robail's presentation

Paul Worthington's paper SPE-163071-PA-P can be downloaded from OnePetro.

25th October

Topic#1: "Permeability Anisotropy and Measurement Scale in Heterogeneous Formations";byMatt Honarpour(Hess Corp.)

Click here to download Matt Honarpour's 1st presentation

Topic#2: "Critical Rock,Fluid and Rock-Fluid Characterization for Liquid Rich Shale Reservoirs";byMatt Honarpour(Hess Corp.)

Click here to download Matt Honarpour's2nd presentation

20th September

"Quantitative Characterization of Carbonate Pore Systems by Digital Image Analysis of End Member Lithologies"; by Stefan M. Luthi (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Click here to download Stefan Luthi's presentation

It is classified as "Read only" document. The proper reference should always be made.

24th May

"An Integrated Workflow for natural fracture and porosity evaluation in granitic reservoirs" BySherif Farag(Schlumberger)

Click here to download Sherif Farag's presentation

19th April

"Defining Reservoir from Seismic and Well Test Data: Reasons for Caution from the Northern Malay Basin"; By Duncan Barr, Senior Regional Geologist, Carigali Hess Operating Company

22nd March

"Permeability Seminar" Speakers:Lutz Riepe (PETRONAS Carigali), Colin McPhee (Senergy), Chiew F. Choo (PETRONAS Carigali), Paul F. Worthington (GCA), Grant Heavysege (ExxonMobil)

Please contact Paul F. Worthington directly if you wanthis paper references. His email is[email protected]

23rd February

"Water Saturation From Generic Capillary Pressure Data" ByA. H. Asari Ramli (PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.)

Click here to download Asari Ramli's presentation

17th January

"Rock Physics Us or Them? - A Geophysicist's Perspective" ByBill Lodwick(Fletchwick International Pty Ltd)

Click here to download Bill Lodwick's presentation


15th December

"LWD Resistivity Response Interpretation in SE Asia"

ByCarlos Maeso(Schlumberger)

30th November

"Formation damage - Any Time, Any Place, Any Where"

By Mike Byrne (Senergy)

Click here to download Mike Byrne's presentation

15th September

"S.E. Asia Deep-Water Deposits - Geology and Formation Evaluation challenges from a Borehole Perspective (primarily borehole images and 3D resistivity)"

ByAdrian Bal (Baker Atlas)

Click here to download Adri Bal's presentation

7th July

"Something About Nothing - "Towards a Better Understanding of Carbonate Porosity"

ByDr. Richard Bray (PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.)

Click here to download part 1/2 of Dr. Richard Bray'spresentation

Click here to download part 2/2 of Dr. Richard Bray'spresentation

23rd June

Master seminar on "Porosity"

Speakers: Paul F. Worthington (Gaffney, Cline & Ass.), Duncan Barr (Carigali-Hess), Bob East (Core Lab), Mehmet Altunbay (PETRONAS), Arnout Everts (LEAP Energy)

Paul Worthington provided the following references to his presentation:

- Worthington, P.F. 1997. Application of investigative engineering to formation evaluation 3 - Determination of porosity. Scientific Drilling, 6(1), 1-13.

- Worthington, P.F. 1998. Conjunctive interpretation of core and log data through association of the effective and total porosity models. In: Core-Log Integration (P.K. Harvey & M.A. Lovell: Eds.), Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 136, 213-223.

- Worthington, P.F. 2010. Quality-assured evaluation of effective porosity using fit-for-purpose estimates of clay-mineral volume fraction. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 71, 36-45.

Click here to download Bob East'spresentation

26th May

"Impact of Geology and Geophysics on low cost well design"

ByDr. Keng Seng Chan (PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.)

Click here to download Dr. Keng Seng Chan'spresentation

21st April

"New Technologies for Petrophysics: Applications of Micro-CT Tomograms and Pore Network Modeling to Evaluate the Storage and Flow Capacity of Tight Gas and Basement Reservoirs"

ByDr. Lutz Riepe (PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.)

10th March

"Fluid logging: The Advantages of Quantitative Fluid Evaluation While Drilling"

ByDr. Martin Niemann (Geoservices)

Click here to download Martin Niemann'spresentation

17th February

"What Do We Need Spectroscopy Mineralogy For?"

ByJean-Baptiste Peyaud(Baker Hughes Inc.)

18th January

"Effect of Incompatible Drilling Fluids on Formation Evaluation: It Must Be The Geology's Fault!!!" ByJohn Kennedy (Hess Oil & Gas Sdn. Bhd.)


13th December

"Formation Evaluation in Fresh Water Shaly Sands of the Malay Basin"

By Grant Heavysege (ESSO Production Malaysia Inc.)

Grant Heavysege's workwas presented earlier on 20th September 2010 at the Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM) in Kuala Lumpur. It was an oral presentationthat has not beenpublished.

21st October

"State-of-the-art Permeability Determination from Well Logs to Predict Drainage Capillary Water Saturation in Clastic Rocks"

By SPWLA Distinguished Lecturer Chiew F. Choo (Petronas)

Chiew's paperwas prepared for presentation at the SPWLA 51st Annual Logging Symposium held in Perth, Australia, June 19-23 - 2010(Paper 2010-RR)

23rd September

"Integration of Real Time Logging While Drilling and Geomechanics to Monitor, Calibrate and Predict Pore Pressure"

By Leo Anis, Aqil Ahmed, Scott Fey (Schlumberger)

1st July

"Downhole Fluid Analysis coupled with Asphaltene Nanoscience for Reservoir Evaluation "

By Dr. Oliver C. Mullins (Schlumberger)

Click here to download Oliver Mullins' presentation

17th June

First talk: "Formation Fluid and ID Sampling While Drilling"

By Mark Proett (Halliburton)

Second talk: "Shale Gas: Challenging Petrophysics and Geology in a Broader Development and Production Context"

By Luc Bolle (Baker Hughes)

Click here to downloadLuc Bolle's presentation

20th May

"Net Sand Count from Image Logs in Thin Bedded Environments using an Optimised Synthetic Cut-Off"

By Chinedu Anijekwu (Sarawak Shell Bhd, Miri)

15th April

"From Pore Throat to Seismic: Tying the Geology to the Physics"

By Duncan Barr (Carigali Hess)

25th March

"Chemostratigraphy (Overview of Technique & Case Study)"

By John Woods (Chemostrat Ltd., Welshpool, U.K.)

25th February

10th Anniversary Celebration Programme:

"Short Overview of 10 years FESM (1999 - 2009)"

"Digital Core Technology"

By SPWLA Distinguished Lecturer Mark Knackstedt (Australian National University, Canberra)

"Dicussion on "Past, Present and Future of Petrophysics in Malaysia"

21st January

"Enhanced Crosswell Reservoir Monitoring Using Seismic & Electromagnetic Measurements"

By: Ajay Nalonnil (Schlumberger)


19th November

"Training of the Future Geoscience Workforce for the Malaysian Oil and Gas Industry"

By Dr Zuhar Zahir (Universiti Teknologi Petronas) and Dr Ralph Kugler ( Universiti Malaya)

10th September

"Rock Strength from Core and Logs: Where We Stand and Ways to Go"

By Toby Kayes (Helix RDS)

20th August

"Speed and precision: Pore-scale reservoir rock characterization using digital rocks"

By: Sven Roth (Numerical Rock AS)

Click here to download SvenRoth's presentation

18th June

"Compact™ C-Thru Logging, a New Look at Formation Density Measurements"

By James Autry (Weatherford)

James Autry'spresentation was based on the article "Cased Hole Formation Density Logging with a Compact Open Hole Tool, and Implications for Gas Zone Evaluation" by P.A.S. Elkington (Weatherford), J.R. Samworth (Weatherford) & C.A. Pereira (Weatherford) publishedin theSPWLA Symposium Transactions 2006, Paper BBB.

21st May

"Use of Cased Hole Dynamics Tester (CHDT) to Mitigate Risk in Measuring Pressures in Drawndown Reservoirs "

By Yee Ling Yak (ExxonMobil)

5th February

"Dielectric Dispersion: A New Wireline Petrophysical Measurement"

By Michel Claverie (Schlumberger)

Michel Claverie's presentation was based on the work published in 2008 by Hizem M., Budan H., Deville B., Faivre O., Mosse L. and Simon M., under the title "Dielectric dispersion: a new wireline petrophysical measurement" as SPE paper 116130.


2nd December

"Tight Gas Sands Fracture Stimulation Optimization"

By Randall S. "Randy" Miller (Core Laboratories)

Click here to download Randy Miller's presentation

20th November

"Capillary Pressure, Saturation, Permeability and NMR: Malay Basin Examples "

By Andrew Logan (Talisman)

Click here to download Andrew Logan's presentation

30th October

"Grain Size Distribution from NMR Log - Two Case Studies "

By Ms. Syamsina Rashid (Petronas Carigali Sdn. Bhd.)

25th March

"Porosity Typing and Productivity Analysis by Modified-Timur-Coates Permeability Model for Carbonates using NMR and Conventional Logs "

By Mehmet Altunbay (Baker Atlas)


22nd November

"Advances in LWD Sonic Technology and Applications"

By Jennifer Market (Halliburton)

29th October

First talk: "Formation Pressure While Drilling - A Critical Link to Full Data Evaluation and Cost-Efficient Wellbore Construction"

By: Ulrich Hahne (Baker Hughes INTEQ)

Second talk: "Campos Basin Anisotropic Turbidites Formation Evaluation: Challenges and Proposed Solutions"

By SPWLA Distinguished Lecturer Paolo Ferraris (Schlumberger)

6th September

"Understanding the Pressure Gradients Improves Production From Oil/Water Transition Carbonate Zones"

By Andrew Carnegie (Schlumberger)

28th June

"Determination and Characterization of Rock Types based on Pore Throat Size Estimation "

By Libny Leal (Hess)

24th May

"Cased-Hole Logging for Reservoir Management ... a Malaysian Perspective"

By Chris Ovens (Petronas Carigali)

19th April

"Thin Bed Analysis – Applications and Examples from Malaysia"

By Jeff Hook (Murphy) & Richard Leech (Schlumberger)





Photo collage FESM Meeting 21st April 2011


CHAPTER OFFICERS (2013 - 2014)


Dr.Lutz Riepe(PETRONAS)

VP Technology

Dr. Budi Kantaatmadja (PETRONAS)

Secretary/Web Master (Mar->)

Dr. Melissa Johansson(Schlumberger)

Secretary/Web Master(<-Feb)

Long Jiang (Schlumberger)

Treasurer/Meetings Secretary

Cheam Syeh Lynn(PETRONAS)

Publicity Officer

Richard Holland(Weatherford)

Special Events Co-ordinator

Adrian Bal (Baker Hughes)

RegionalEvents Co-ordinator

Paul JosephTarabbia(Shell)


Suzie Hamzah (ExxonMobil)

University Liaison

Dr. Ralph Kugler (University of Malaya)



CHAPTER OFFICERS (2012 - 2013)


Dr.Lutz Riepe(PETRONAS)

First Vice-President

Dr. Budi Kantaatmadja (PETRONAS)


Louis King (Core Laboratories)

Secretary/Web Master

Long Jiang (Schlumberger)

Meetings Secretary

Cheam Syeh Lynn(PETRONAS)

Publicity Officer

Richard Holland(Weatherford)

Special Events Co-ordinator

Adrian Bal (Baker Hughes)

RegionalEvents Co-ordinator

Paul JosephTarabbia(Shell)


Suzie Hamzah (ExxonMobil)

Technical Program

Ryan Lafferty (Lundin)

University Liaison

Dr. Ralph Kugler (University of Malaya)


CHAPTER OFFICERS (2011 - 2012) 


Dr. John Phillips (Schlumberger)

First Vice-President

Dr. Budi Kantaatmadja (PETRONAS)


Louis King (Core Laboratories)

Secretary/Web Master(<- Dec)

Jurry van Doorn (Schlumberger)

Secretary/Web Master(Jan ->)

Long Jiang (Schlumberger)

Meetings Secretary

Janice Boay (Hess)

Publicity Officer

Dave Jackson (Gaffney, Cline & Ass.)

Special Events Co-ordinator

Adrian Bal (Baker Hughes)


Suzie Hamzah (ExxonMobil)

Technical Programme

Ryan Lafferty (Lundin)

University Liaison

Dr. Ralph Kugler (University of Malaya)

CHAPTER OFFICERS (2010 - 2011) 


Dr. John Phillips (Schlumberger)

First Vice-President & Web Master

Libny Leal (Hess)


Louis King (Core Laboratories)


Jurry van Doorn (Schlumberger)

Sponsorship & Marketing

Aleeya Brookes (PEIS)

Special Events Co-ordinator

Adrian Bal (Baker Hughes)

Technical Committee Member

Dr. Budi Kantaatmadja (PETRONAS)

Technical Committee Member

Kamal Ariffin (PETRONAS)

Technical Committee Member

Mohd. Azlin Mohd. Nasir (ExxonMobil)

University Liaison

Dr. Ralph Kugler (University of Malaya)



CHAPTER OFFICERS (2009 - 2010)




Scott Dodge (ExxonMobil)

First Vice-President & Secretary

Jurry van Doorn (Schlumberger)


Louis King (Core Laboratories)

Sponsorship & Marketing

Gavin Lindsay (Baker Hughes)

Petroleum Club Liaison

Yoel Bonnye (PETRONAS)

Student Liaison

Poh Chee Howe (Halliburton)

Technical Committee Member

Dr. John Phillips (Schlumberger)

Technical Committee Member

Kok Keng Hung (Halliburton)

University Liaison

Azlan Shah (PETRONAS)

Web Administrator

Libny Leal (Hess)


CHAPTER OFFICERS (2008 - 2009)



Scott Dodge (ExxonMobil)

First Vice-President & Secretary

Jurry van Doorn (Schlumberger)


Louis King (Core Laboratories)

Petroleum Club Liaison

Tony Daniel (Schlumberger)

Sponsorship & Tech. Committee

Kok Keng Hung (Halliburton)

Student Liaison


Technical Committee Member

Dr. John Phillips (Schlumberger)

Technical Committee Member

John Kennedy (Hess)

Technical Committee Member

Azlan Shah (PETRONAS)

Web Administrator

Libny Leal (Hess)


CHAPTER OFFICERS (2007 - 2008)


Edwin Francis Untam (PETRONAS)


Dave Maggs(Schlumberger)


Louis King (Core Laboratories)

Meeting Organisation

Scott Dodge (ExxonMobil)


Scott Fey (Schlumberger)

Student Liaison


Technical Committee

Shahrizal Aziz (Fugro Jason)

Technical Committee

Tony Daniel (Schlumberger)

Technical Committee

Bill Furber(Baker Hughes)

Technical Programme

Jeff Hook (Murphy)

Web Administrator

Libny Leal (Hess)

CHAPTER OFFICERS (2006 - 2007)


Edwin Francis Untam (PETRONAS)


Dave Maggs(Schlumberger)


Louis King (Core Laboratories)

Technical Committee

Chris Ovens (Schlumberger)

Technical Committee

Scott Fey (Schlumberger)

Student Liaison


Technical Committee

Shahrizal Aziz (Fugro Jason)

Technical Committee

Tony Daniel (Schlumberger)

Technical Committee

Tore Gjerdingen (Baker Hughes)

Technical Committee

Jeff Hook (Murphy)

Web Administrator

Libny Leal (Hess)




James Kijam Dato(PETRONAS)

Vice-President & Co-Secretary

Peter Lloyd(Schlumberger)

Treasurer & Co-Secretary

Peter Lane(Core Laboratories)

Steering Committee

Chiew Fook Choo (PETRONAS)

Steering Committee

Rokiah Esa (Schlumberger)

also representing theMalaysian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Steering Committee

Dr Azhar Haji Hussin (Univ. of Malaya)

also representing the Geological Society of Malaysia

Steering Committee

Grant Heavysege (Esso Production (M))

Steering Committee

Mario Petricola (Schlumberger)

Steering Committee

Mark Sams (Jason Geosystems)

Steering Committee

Dr. Ahmad Tajuddin Ibrahim (Univ. of Malaya)



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Kuala Lumpur


3° 8' 20.4108" N, 101° 41' 12.678" E

See map: Google Maps



SPWLA Malaysia Chapter (FESM)