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Mark Manley


Hydrocarbon Data Systems, Inc.
P.O. Box 41508
77241 Houston  ,  TX
United States
Phone: 1-713-690-0556
Fax: 1-713-690-0558 
29° 52' 27.6312" N95° 32' 54.708" W
Texas US 
Software Title: 
HDS Log Analysis Program
Software Description: 
The most interactive Petrophysical software in the industry. Interpretation options: shaly-sand, complex lithology, shale gas, cased-hole. The user equation module builds interactive user designed applications. The core toolkit integrates all core data with the wireline data. Input options: Lis, Dlis, LAS, ASCII, and Digitize. Complete data editing toolkit with depth shift, baseline shift, despike, normalize and more. Log plot module will output any type of curve with any annotation on any depth reference and output to any printer, plotter or graphics file. Pay Summaries includes reserves option. The crossplot options include all standard and user-defined functions with regressions and statistics. The Cross Section option will hang up to 16 wells (Stratigraphically or Structural). Other options include data trend analysis, field study tool kit, and comprehensive environmental correction library. Processing mode includes both single well and multi-well.