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Dr. Liang C. Shen


Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
University of Houston 
77204-4793 Houston  ,  TX
United States
Phone: +1 (713) 743-4420
Fax: +1 (713) 743-4444
29° 43' 33.6972" N95° 20' 53.3904" W
Texas US 
Software Title: 
Simulation Software for Resistivity, Induction, and MWD tools.
Software Description: 
The Well Logging Laboratory, supported by more than 20 oil and service companies in the past 20 years, has developed many computer codes to assist log interpretation, such as forward modeling of dual laterolog, SFL, induction, MWD, pulsed and through-casing resistivity tools, and automatic inversion of induction logs in layered, dipping beds. Consortium members are entitled to receiving all past technical reports as well as source codes developed by the laboratory.
Computer Platforms: 
High end PC, Workstations, Mainframe 
$40,000 (includes two year consortium membership) Corporate licenses available 
Operating System: 
Any system with Fortran compiler