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 5319 items in 266 pages

1960-2002 SPWLA Journals (Log Analyst and Petrophysics) (sin

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Log Analysts Are Important People

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A Review Of Fundamental Nuclear Physics Applies To Gamma Ray

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Exploring For Petroleum Traps Using Rocky Mountain Electric

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Application Of Flowing Well Logging Operations To Production

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Accuracy Of Porosity Determinations

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Applications Of The Proximity Log

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A Method Of Off Location Quantitative Mud Analysis For Hydro

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A Method For Determining Formation Permeability From Well Lo

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Some Petrophysical Aspects Of The Mississippian "Chat" Glick

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Resistivity-Velocity Log Evaluation Of The Morrow Sand In We

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Field Examples Of Nuclear Magnetism Logging

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Interpretation Of Dipmeter Surveys In Mississippi

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A Simplified Technique For Interpreting Electrical Logs

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A History Of Well Logging

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Water Cut Determination From Well Logs In Fractured And Vugg

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Empty-Hole Logging Programs For Reservoir Evaluation

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The Spectral Log For Chlorine Detection

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The Correlation Of Capillary Pressure And Electric Log Data

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Evaluation Of Borehole And Formation Effects In Spectral Gam

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