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Exploring For Petroleum Traps Using Rocky Mountain Electric

A new petroleum exploration tool is described. It consists of interpreting indicated formation water salinities and calculated formation hydrocarbon shows, as formation parameters, to locate hydrocarbon productive reservoir traps. These formation parameters are obtained by well log evaluation in control wells of an exploration area. Older wells within the area which were logged using only an Electric Log can and should be used to supply these parameters, in addition to wells logged with modern multi-purpose logging programs. Examples are presented which show the effectiveness of this tool in delineating known stratigraphic producing traps, and it is mentioned that the tool can be shown to even more effectively delineate structural and faulty-type formation traps. It is concluded that indicated water salinities can be correctly calculated from well logs, that such salinities are distinctly different within formation traps by reason of the described Theory of Salinity Trapping, and that such dependable salinity information can be obtained only from electrical well logs. Well logs in some instances are the only means of detecting the existence of hydrocarbon shows, and these shows can be compared more efficiently, well to well, when calculated from logs. It is further concluded that this exploration method should be used in addition to present exploration methods since results obtained can efficiently support or deny control results supplied by other methods, particularly in the search for stratigraphic traps. When sufficient data of this nature are obtained, then it is reasonable to expect successful exploration based upon this method primarily, using support information of other approaches. The first stratigraphic discovery based largely upon this exploration method is now in the process of completion. Experience has shown salinity trapping, as described herein, to occur in all Wyoming horizons studies to date. Application of this exploration method therefore appears possible in all horizons and conditions of entrapment, limited only by available well control and log interpretation efficiency.
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