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HAHZ SIG Workshop and JFES Annual Symposium

HAHZ SIG Workshop and JFES Annual Symposium


Thinking Sideways to The Far East
Blending In The Near Field and Far Field Reservoir Characterization

High Angle and Horizontal Wells (HAHZ) Special Interest Group Workshop September 11-12, 2023 followed by Japan Formation Evaluation Society (JFES) Annual Symposium September 13-14, 2023 at the   
Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security – Technology & Research Center (JOGMEC-TRC), Chiba, Japan

This workshop is open to all SPWLA, affiliated and non-SPWLA members. We aim to facilitate knowledge sharing and multi-discipline collaboration specific to high angle data acquisition, well placement and evaluations.

==> Tentative Workshop Program

The online registration for both the 28th JFES Symposium and HAHZ workshop REGISTATION LINK:

==>Traveling guide with recommended hotels are provided for workshop participants.
==> Symposium Program

If you have any inquiries, you can reach us via
[email protected]

9/11/2023 - 9/12/2023

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