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A History Of Well Logging

The science of well logging, begun by Conrad Schlumberger in 1927 as an application of his work on resistivity measurements of the earth in surface exploration, has advanced further during the intervening thirty-three years than even its creator could have imagined. Measurement of electrical properties with normal and lateral resistivity curves, micro-devices, focused devices, dipmeters, conductive and inductive methods; measurement of radioactive properties both inherent and as a result of bombardment by both low and high energy neutrons; the physical recovery of rock and fluid samples by wireline; measurement of acoustic properties; the list could go on and on. Each relates to a certain phase of development and is the answer to a certain need for evaluation of a specific zone or to overcome limitations of a prior method. It is hoped that a presentation showing the chronological development of these tools, together with the interpretation techniques associated with them, will honor those who did the work and will inspire future logging engineers and analysts to even greater accomplishments than have preceded them.
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